One of Denzel Washington's best films is "Flight"...the story of a drug and alcohol addicted pilot who manages to function amazingly well while hiding his addiction. I loved the movie and recommend you see it. I mention this because I watched "The Pilot" tonight and was surprised it was very much the same story...but made 32 years earlier!
Cliff Robertson both stars in "The Pilot" but directed it as well. Mike Hagen is an amazingly talented pilot. Through the course of the story, you see him make amazing decisions that saved his airliner...which is all the more amazing because he's actively drinking...even while flying the plane! Clearly his life out of the sky is falling apart...but he somehow manages to hold it together at work. The story eventually leads to others discovering his addiction and his reaction to this is what much of the story is about in the second half of the film.
I found a couple things about the movie pretty interesting. In real life, Robertson really WAS an experienced and excellent pilot. He also previously made one of the greatest made for TV films of all time, "Days of Wine and Roses". The film also found him playing an alcoholic and the story was so successful that it was later remade in Hollywood starring Jack Lemmon.
So is the story any good? Yes, though I must admit that "Flight" is a much stronger film. In other words, it's a very good film...but one that lacks the impact of the later movie. Well worth seeing in spite of this.