Romantic Comedy held all the earmarks of being a moving, heart-wrenching romantic drama. There was one scene in particular that was so well done, I felt certain that I'd be reaching for the Kleenex box. However, the way it ended (no spoilers here, don't worry) and the increasingly unlikable character of Dudley Moore made for a pretty unpleasant viewing experience. The acting of Dudley and Mary Steenburgen was very good, especially in the dramatic scenes. She wore some very sweet and tender expressions, and he radiated self-loathing and sabotage. If you felt When Harry Met Sally was too cutesy and needed more dramatic realism, this precursor will be a good fit for you.
In my favorite scene, Dudley's wife, Janet Eilber, tells him she needs to have a discussion about their future. He naturally thinks they're going to split up, and he all but confesses his feelings for Mary (who has all but confessed hers). Instead, Janet announces she's pregnant. Dudley's facial expressions are perfect. He knows he has about five seconds in which to decide whether to leave Janet or stay. He knows his life is completely over, for if he leaves her, he'll be tied to her forever and carry the guilt of abandoning his child. Instead, he's stuck in a loveless marriage with massive incompatibility. Whatever budding feelings he had for Mary need to be squelched, and he needs to make this moment a happy one for his wife. All that is communicated to the camera in five seconds, and it truly breaks your heart when he embraces her.
This movie really was a precursor to When Harry Met Sally. Two people have a great relationship but are destined to just be friends, even though there's obvious love beneath the surface. Years and years pass, and they remain in each other's lives through thick and thin. The difference is the comedic tone of Nora Ephron's script. This version has no pair of friends who are funnier and more likable, and there isn't the overall lightness of the leads' exchanges. This one is heavy, and Mary carries a lot of pain throughout the years she spends with Dudley. If you like her, you won't want to miss this one - even if you don't end up liking it.