In the 80's private investigators ruled the airwaves. Magnum, Simon&Simon, Remington Steele, Matt Houston and even Knight Rider could be considered a detective show, but this was the best of the era. The characters of Nick Ryder played by Joe Penny, Cody Allen played by Perry King, and Murray Bozinski played by Thom Bray were huge role models for me. I was in my mid teens when this show was on {3 seasons on The NBC network Jan. 84- Aug of 86} The friendship these guys shared from serving in Vietnam to working together in their own private investigator business was something that everybody wanted, lifelong friendships. The show performed very well in the ratings it's first two seasons Tuesday nights at 9:00 pm following The A-Team, but was killed by Moonligthing in the 85-86 season. To this day I dis-like Bruce Willis for that. I think NBC gave up on Riptide way to early because the re-runs of Riptide ran on The USA network with very good success for three years 86-89, and Riptide's successors on NBC, Crimestory, and JJ Starbuck were not very good Television. I just hope that someday soon this great show will be released on DVD