Sorry but he does not ,in fact he is an embarrassment in this throughout and yet another case of 'I wish they hadnt made that American Actor try to do an English accent'...Perkins seems uncomfortable in this from beginning to end,you get the feeling he got the job by fax,flew straight to the UK and was on set before he had even had a chance to check in to his hotel and get a good nights sleep.The Irish Villain is wildly over the top and unbelievable and his girlfriend is ridiculous.I have too much respect for Steiger to say much more that he is given much to do.These terrorism scare - movies made for TV in the 80s really haven't aged well at all .Shame that two fine stars like Perkins and Steiger had stuff like this on their resumes at all really.Funnily enough Steiger played an IRA man himself a little earlier in 'Hennessy' which again,hasn't help up well.