Like any other in pop culture, Japan seems always to be very adaptable anything that is "cool", with knowing of meaning of it isn't important. The celebration of Christmas Day is long gone.
Yes, I do remember this movie, of course. This was a huge hit in Japan when I was growing up... Japanese titled "The Cunning: IQ=0". I was in my first or second grade, all the kids learned the tricks of cheating exams, well, not during the real exams, but to act like those kids in the movie. That was a real fun to do.
And if I was right, there was a sequence of this film. Either way, I wish this movie was more well-distributed than it was, to this day, it remains as a "cult" film.
We enjoyed it a lot in Japan back then, it is so cool movie, we even did not know (or bother to know) this is from France.