Here is an effort from the infamous director Luci Fulci, who is probably best known for his ultra-violent zombie movies. This is one of them, although strictly speaking it is a haunted house/zombie combination. The story has a family move into a new home where it turns out a zombie called Dr Freudstein (yes, really) lives in the cellar. And from this premise much bloody mayhem does ensue. The highlight of the movie overall is the practical effects work from Giannetto De Rossi which kick into gear during the various scenes of over-the-top bloody violence. It's a fairly run-of-the-mill film aside from this really but it is also notable for having a very effective, intense ending. Last and by all means least is the child actor playing the character called Bob - he has been dubbed with the most ridiculous and inane voice that you would be forgiven for hoping he will wind up being torn apart by the resident zombie. But will he?