When this show first premiered I really enjoyed it, especially the chemistry between the three leads. I especially loved Rita Moreno as Violet, who showed why she was, and still is, one of the best actresses on both the large and small screens. Also, Valerie Curtin was perfect as the somewhat shy Judy (taking over the Jane Fonda role) and Rachel Dennison was great as Doralee (taking over the role her sister Dolly Parton played) However, when they got to the second season they totally screwed up the chemistry by replacing Valerie Curtin with Leah Ayers and getting rid of the girls main female antagonist in Roz. Also, after Jane Fonda left as executive producer, the show really began to go downhill. If they had kept the cast together and if Ms. Fonda hadn't left, then this show probably would have gone down as a classic.