"A Fine Romance" *is* a charming, low-key show with delightful and appealing characters and performances. We first started watching it on video during a pledge-drive Britcom dry spell on our local PBS station and were hooked with the very first episode. The unfolding relationship between Laura and Mike is sweetly humorous, and the performances of Judi Dench and Michael Williams create completely engaging characters. You really feel for them and their awkwardness and wish them well in their efforts to forge a life together.
As other reviewers have said, this is definitely not a show with an American sensibility, and that accounts for so much of its charm and appeal. The principals are beyond the blush of youth, something rarely seen Stateside, at least in a non-family-centered show. The episodes are often character rather than "situation" driven, and even the situations generally reveal something of the characters; thus, many of the silly, overused devices of the American sitcom are mercifully absent.
In sum, a mild-mannered and well-written show beautifully pulled together by all involved.