I came across this video randomly.. I'm 18 now, but when I was 11 or so while on summer vacation my grampa picked up a couple videos from a bargain bin at some video rental store.. I can't believe he got me a movie so stupid..
The movie starts of with a really creepy intro with the main character (David) prancing around with his animal friends in what looks to be a circus, now I don't have a clue why they did this, you don't even know who the characters are yet.
This movie is so stupid, it's great, it's pretty much a requirement to be under the influence of some kind of drug while watching this, you won't be able to breath from laughter, the awkward animation will make you burst out laughing, there are parts where characters heads get huge and zoom into the camera and for no reason, usually when they're gasping, I guess to give it more effect... You don't have to be on something to find the movie funny but I can tell you it'll make the time spent watching it worthwhile.
Whoever drew the girls in this movie was a pervert, because they all have huge tits, and at one part when the hunter chick is being apprehended by mr. stealmore, if you pause and get to a certain frame there's a pantyshot, and her huge gazongas are still in the frame, nice for a kids movie. Her pet monkey looks and sounds like homer simpson.
The story doesn't really go anywhere, in the narration David mentions that he is from Chicago like 100 times, then he keeps saying how the jungle is so different than his "home back in chicago." It almost makes you think that this is just an episode in a series and you just want to see what's so great about his stupid apartment in chicago, but all you get is jungle. His parents give him a dog for his birthday, they either had to have brought the dog over on a plane in a kennel without the stupid kid somehow not noticing, or they must have bought him in Africa, yet they aren't staying at a hotel, they're in some random cabana in the middle of the jungle with no civilization to be found.
The dumbest part is probrably when he's in the underground temple, and a wall starts coming in at him like it's going to crush him. He starts whining and pissing his pants and closes his eyes, and for absolutely NO reason the wall goes back really fast. You can tell the writers have absolutely no creativity, that part made absolutely no sense and it really made me wish the wall just crushed the kid and the credits had rolled, but no, it keeps going on. I like how an E.T. statue is randomly in the hall of toys and toys to come. Why would a toy hall be in the hall of 1000 ancient secrets? It's like an aztec temple yet its in Africa, I don't think ancient africans had stone temples like this, the writers must have been really confused and probrably on drugs too.
If you see this movie I recommend getting it, and inebriating yourself in some way heavily before watching it.