From producer Michael Mann, a brilliant crime drama series that can be mentioned with similar reverence as THE UNTOUCHABLES(TV series)1959-1963. Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Las Vegas...organized crime is spreading its wings. Michael Torello(Dennis Farina)is the head of Chicago's Major Crime Unit and determined to bring down up and coming crime figure Ray Luca(Anthony Denison). The action takes place in the early 60s...and it is very impressive that the clothing, hair styles, automobiles and music are circa 1963. The opening theme is a revved up revised version of Del Shannon's "Runaway". The Torello/Luca relationship may even be more intense than that of Ness/Nitti in THE UNTOUCHABLES. From direction to dialogue; from story line to acting...hard to find fault with one of the best in this genre.
Kudos for strong acting from Stephen Lang, Bill Smitrovich, Andrew Dice Clay, Jon Polito, David Caruso, Ray Sharkey and Joseph Wiseman. Rocker Todd Rundgren is responsible for all original music that drives this 42 episode crime drama.