For those of you who actually enjoy real honest-to-God production values in your porn films, this film, Professional Janine, as I know it, is for you.
Taking place in Franco-Prussian Europe in the 1870s or 1880s, this 100 minute film was shot in 35mm and features absolutely gorgeous scenic landscapes, and farm locations. It also utilizes stylish cinematography, authentic period costumes and a light, humorously translated screenplay.
As for the sex, it's fun as fun can be! Whether it's the scene with the fat lady with the German Oom-pa band playing behind her, or the wager that one officer can't have his way with three ladies, one after the other, on horseback over three kilometers, while downing three pints of vodka in three hours, the film celebrates a pre-AIDS world sex for the pure old fashioned enjoyment of it. And you've got to love that!
As Janine, the innocent farm girl who becomes a famous madame, Leila Visgo is fetching, but hardly volcanic. That's okay, the rest of the girls - and there are many - more than make up for her.
This is a true classic from the Golden Age Of Porn and comes highly recommended.