After receiving a tip from a suspect, Chicago cop Eddie Jillette poses as a hit man, he's to meet with a mysterious guy from New Orleans and from there uncover the plans. But things go awry and Eddie's partner and friend is brutally murdered, a stunningly gorgeous blonde seems to hold the key to it all, so Eddie heads South with revenge and anger driving him on.
80s popcorn thrillers get a hard deal on IMDb, it seems that many people visiting them for the first time post 1990, seem determined to judge them against the likes of multiplex favourites like Bad Boys. The 80s was far from being a great decade for action/drama movies, but there was a ream of tidy pieces that fulfilled the genre requirements for those so inclined. Here in Richard Pearce's No Mercy we have a protagonist hell bent on revenge {Richard Gere, lots of hair but acting with force}, a sultry blonde stirring passions {Kim Bassinger in the same year she turned heads in Nine 1/2 weeks}, and a weasel baddie with a pony tail {Jeroen Krabbé enjoying himself}, throw in swearing before it was a fashionable accessory, explosions aplenty and an ability to have the viewer shouting for our cop to bloody succeed at all costs. Yes there is the obligatory simmering romance under trying circumstances, and yes the ending holds few surprises to anyone who has watched films since 1930, but it's a very credible piece that is certainly more entertaining than some of the dross action pictures that are churned out weekly for the MTV generation these days. 7/10