David Carridine may be a Tai-Chi expert but as Bruce Lee was quick as the Flash, Carridine is slow as a snail. Here he is making a similar type of film to the Chuck Norris, as Colonel Braddock, Vietnam POW rescue films of the same 1980's decade.
There is nothing new to be found in this film as everything in/about it has been seen/done before. Having said that it is still an enjoyable sit down to watch no brains needed release. Carridine is his usual lethargic self and the camp commandant, played by the well known Mako, is the sadistic guy who does not actually like communism so, he want;s to make a deal with Carradine to get to America with all his stolen American prisoners belonging etc.
Like I have said, its not Oscar quality but its good enough to pass your time away.