I loved Hayley Mills in the original series as Miss Bliss. But the rest of the series just displayed many stereotypes that we would be better off without. A brainless jock, a Barbie doll ditz, a spoiled rich kid, a young womanizer and a geek just for starters. Selfish, self indulgent teens with no real substance. With the exception of perhaps one or two characters, their first instinct was always to dupe someone or get something they were told they couldn't have. It was always at the expense of someone else. The only time they showed any morals or regret was when they were caught and told how they should act. And while they made fun of geeks at every opportunity, how is it that Scheech (a self admitted geek) was one of their circle of friends? Of course he was the fall guy for many a prank. Pityful. I would not let my children watch this show....ever.