"Control" is a fictional movie where a group of volunteers agree to live in a bomb shelter for 20 days. It's to show the practicality of such living arrangements for groups of strangers during a nuclear attack. Not surprisingly, over time, all sorts of problems develop...many of which are caused by the various personalities of the participants. For example, one is a bit of a pervert and another insists on doing magic tricks all the time.
While Burt Lancaster is listed among the cast, he's a small portion of the movie, as he's not one of the participants in the shelter. The only star there I easily recognized was Ben Gazzara.
The purpose of the film seems pretty obvious...to show how impractical shelters are and how nuclear war should be avoided at all costs. This is likely why the aging Lancaster appeared in the film, as he was a strong proponent of nuclear disarmament.
So is it any good? Well, the story is very slow...but it also brings up some excellent points and is quite thought-provoking. Not a great film by any standard but an interesting one.