The Greatest children's educational game show since the "Geography Bee" with Alex Trebek. The show was a hit because of many things what made it a hit with me was several things: The sets,chief office, Gumshoe office, informant Alleyway, The Station (Capture loot, warrant and crook) and Large map with Police light markers. There were humorous characters like the neighbor lady in the window (played in drag by the bass in Rockapella) who would always shut down her window after done speaking. There were great clue songs by rockapella where they would sing a song that had clues of where the crook was. But the big thing I liked was the Changes in later seasons. They would add special effects. Audience participation tournaments at ends of some shows for time fillers. Change police light to state flag and contestant would have to pick the right state flag to put on the right state, (Harder but more educational) and the chase a lighting round with rockapella doing weird things at the camera as they run past the camera. Rockapella would do Crook songs with the name of the crook , crooks included (Robo Crook, contessa, double trouble (siamese twins with different skin color(actually inverted color) and more) they were animated and superimposed on the screen. There was humor between Gregg lee and the Chief that was plain silly. Was taken off and put in its place was its spin-off dealing with time periods and events, which was of poorer quality than this excellent game show for kids. Rockapella has a new cd out as well.