Robert Downey Jnr & the supporting talent have made this sheer magic and a thrill to relive whenever it's shown.
The plots soars and soars and finally settles firmly in rediscovery. The four lost souls drift about not knowing their purpose though firmly tied to RDJ but they are without cause when they finally discover their unfulfilled purpose, they manage to use their their one earthly link to try and accomplish all they had unfinished on earth.
Robert Downey Jnr sails ahead of the story and cast and it takes the wit, earthiness, sass and charm of Sizemore,Grodin,Woodward and Sedgwick respectively to keep up with him which they do without dominating or underplaying their roles.
The underlying themes of repentance for Sizemore, personal victory for Grodin, rediscovery & bonding for Woodward and self forgiveness and sacrifice for Sedgwick are beautifully visited so much so that you're unaware of the depth till the the credits start rolling.
The final scene was a fitting climax for this simple but deeply stirring movie.
Never leave till tomorrow what you may able to do today,always live your dreams and follow your destiny but do so with your feet terra firma!!!
Hearts And Souls scores soundly : 9/10