Why should you sit down and watch a Canadian gay AIDS musical eh?
Well firstly dismiss all pre-conceptions - yes that does include the Canadian ones! Don't sit down expecting to see something with a grave tone and serious approach - you'll be disappointed. What you will see is a touching and at times both romantic and funny piece of cinema. If you're into obscure classics then this may be the ultimate! There is a serious message at the core of course but the flashy sets and music see to it that it's not just an extended eductional film (though it probably should be)......
The first time I saw this it was by accident.... I was sat there in the middle of the night, nothing much to watch, and suddenly this amazing *thing* happened and I was sat glued to Zero Patience. I thought it was interesting, but was utterly bemused by the songs - at that point I had not really understood the lyrics, was not well educated enough about AIDS to get the subtleties and seemed to be watching a lot of gay programming without knowing why I was... I have now discovered that it was all a matter of vested interest! Anyway...
You do not need to be gay or be HIV+ to "get" this film. In fact awareness is such amongst the gay and +ve community that I daresay the BEST audience this may have is straight people - even if some of the - and I use the phrase loosely - "plot" does alienate them a little. The irreverence may alienate anyone, but it's been produced for the most reverent reasons so don't judge too soon
You won't appreciatte this film the first time I promise you. It will leave your head full of obscure images though; if all you can remember of a mad musical is drag queen viruses, talking assholes and a 150 year old scientist hiding out in a Canadian museum (!) then this is the movie you've seen!
And doesn't that description make you want to see it? Come on! You must be intrigued at least...
Watch it once for interest. Watch it a second time to enjoy (you are allowed to enjoy political films about devastating epidemics.). Watch it a third time to revel in the romance and get angry with the authorities. JUST WATCH IT!
And if you've just seen it PLEASE add your comments to this small collection - disagree with all I've just said if you want but don't sit silent nodding and shaking your head - do something proactive!