I'm surprised how detailed information about this TV-series is available here. Szomszédok always, week to week reflected on the evolution of the general political and social situation in Hungary, while it was only a simple real-life story of Hungarians' weekdays. It's a real story, as long as real problems are presented, and the actors were real actors, not only whatever recruits. On the other hand, the mindful and neighborly relationship between the families in the series wasn't really the case in the Hungarian panel-district scene. Szomszédok has been a victim of the capitalism and liberalization after all. The stupid south-American series has became more popular then the frustrated tone of Szomszédok. The launch of the commercial television channels started a real competition for attention. There were a shameful try to save the strength of Szomszédok, and replace the whole of the cast from the residential area (where it has been originally shot) to a film studio, with an idiotic twist in the storyline. It was a dud. Szomszédok ended in 2000.