This is one of those movies I have on my must watch again list and have seen it numerous times, it never gets old.
Being a fan of Stephen King, Kathy Bates, Jennifer Jason Leigh, David Strathairn, Christopher Plummer and John C. Reilly, probably, but not necessarily helps, the story is just that good.
It is a classic Stephen King book I read in a very short period of time without putting it down much.
It is also a Stephen King novel that has been adapted to the screen very well, unlike others novels he has written. Probably because it features only real people who most could relate to in real life.
Kathy Bates is outstanding and probably up there with the best I have seen with her in the starring role, Misery would come a close second even though she got an Oscar for it, rather than this one.
Early on some would regard this as a very dreary movie, which it probably is, just ignore that and continue watching all the way through. Don't give up half way, it is another genuine Stephen King masterpiece and you will be rewarded for persevering.
Solid 8/10