Cape Fear (1991)
**** (out of 4)
Martin Scorsese's remake of the 1962 Gregory Peck/Robert Mitchum thriller has a flaw here and there but overall I feel it's one of the best of its kind and the director's most underrated film. Robert DeNiro plays the crazy ex-con out to seek revenge on the lawyer (Nick Nolte) who he feels misrepresented him. This was the first Scorsese/DeNiro film I ever watched and it made me the die-hard fan I am today. I saw this thing four times in the theater and only God knows how many times since then but it remains one of my favorite thrillers as I feel the director hits all the right notes when it comes to the suspense but he also sprinkles in some very dark humor as well. DeNiro is simply wonderful in his role and comes off very threatening and at times downright scary. Nolte and Jessica Lange also turn in strong performances as does Juliette Lewis. Peck, Mitchum, Martin Balsam and Joe Don Baker also add great support. It's strange but I still remember the four screenings of this in the theater and I remember them quite vividly. I still remember all the suspense and terror that was running throughout the theater and all of this came back as I picked this film to show my buddy and our dates. The film went over very well with them but it also worked extremely well for me even after all these viewings. The stakeout scene towards the end remains one of the most suspenseful scenes from any movie I've seen but there's also the equally disturbing scene where DeNiro goes to visit Lewis at school. I also gave the original film four stars but overall I prefer this remake. The original was pretty much good guy Peck versus bad guy Mitchum, which was a lot of fun but I like the changes made to the story here. We've got the evil DeNiro against the bad boy Nolte. I like the fact that Nolte's character wasn't very likable and I enjoyed the changes that made the wife and daughter connect to DeNiro's character. The level of strong characters in classic Scorsese film's in here to be seen and with the strong performances this just adds to the overall greatness.