"Kung Fu: The Legend Continues" will never be as good as the original "Kung Fu" TV show. The original "Kung Fu" was a remarkable show that can never be duplicated in this time and age.
"Kung Fu: The Legend Continues" is stricly lightweight fantasy. Kwai Chang Caine's descendants are still around and doing heroic work. Caine and his son, Peter (played by the handsome Chris Potter) were separated when their temple was attacked and destroyed. Peter is now a policeman. Caine and Peter meet again and reconnect. This show isn't just about police cases that Peter and Caine become involved in, it is also about a father and son's relationship. They learn to become family again and learn from each other.
I liked the relationship between Caine and Peter. The actors, David Carradine and Chris Potter have a nice chemistry together. I like the respect the father and son had for each other.
The other characters on the show actually become more interesting as the series progress. The show became more of an ensemble show as it progressed, but everything always comes back to Caine.
The show is fun, kinda hokey, makes Asian people look powerful, both in a good way and in a negative way. Asian people were never portrayed as powerful or exciting in TV or cinema during that time, and this was the only show that showed Asians that are not meek, or stupid.
This is a fun action show. I remembered it was a perfect way to spend an hour of TV watching on a Saturday afternoon.
I give this show a C++!