This show is basically about a teenage girl named Shelby Woo who works part-time at the police station and always ends up solving cases that the police are usually too stupid to solve.
I really liked this show when it used to be aired on Nickelodeon back in like 1996 or 1997, I can't remember which year. I do remember that this show was actually pretty good, despite the fact that the intelligence of each episode was highly suspect and it came out during a period of time in cable history that I've called "Nickelodeon's Decent". This was a time when the always dependable cable network Nickelodeon became how should I put this without using profanity, not so dependable. That was when it started producing increasingly idiotic cartoons like "CatDog", "Spongebob Squarepants", and "The Wild Thornberrys". Overall this show gets a 7/10 despite its questionable intelligence.