Cute, but very silly at times, and not as good as the original.
The original 101 Dalmatians, released in 1961, was an animation classic. Adorable characters, nice story, happy ending. Mostly meant for kids but had something in it for adults too. It wasn't perfect though: after a wonderful opening act it did lose some of its charm and substance and degenerated into a caper towards the end.
This 1996 remake of 101 Dalmatians takes the same plot, almost to the letter, de-animates it and throws in more silliness. There are a few positive things added, mostly in dialogue in the first few scenes, and I thought the real dogs were quite cute, even compared to the animated ones, but most of the changes are for the worse.
One big positive of this remake, however, is Glenn Close's portrayal of Cruella De Vil. Suitably intense and menacing.
Overall, very little reason to watch this if you've seen the original. And if you haven't, then watch the original instead...