In an effort to steal one man's wife, the protagonist Lance has a family of freaks kidnap the man and he then blackmails them to keep the whole affair silent.
Many and perhaps most people would write this film off as being incredibly stupid and a horrible movie. And maybe they're right. But I think there are some things in this movie that should not be overlooked.
First, the sheer excess of nudity and sexual activity. While in most films it would be completely unnecessary, this film seems to realize how silly the whole thing is and continues pushing the nudity to become even more outrageous. Half the plot develops while the main female lead is nude.
Second, the plot is more intricate than many might assume. The plot, as outlined in my first sentence, is nothing spectacular. But they made the plot deeper and more serious when they put in a series of "what if" moments that arise when we hear about he hiring of multiple lawyers for use in the blackmail plot. What could have been a simple device is now a battle of the wits.
Third, the film seems stupid because the ideas are silly and the nudity overshadows the rest of the film. But actually pay attention to the dialogue and you'll see the writer is a clever wordsmith. Such phrases as "foul play of the permanent variety" suggest this man would have had a good contract working for "Buffy the Vapire Slayer".
If you like cheesy horror films, this is one you shouldn't pass up on. And you know it's cheesy because it's Full Moon Entertainment (makers of the "Puppet Master" series). While the gore is at a minimum, the b-movie schlock is at an all-time high!