Players was gem of a program amongst a sea of muck. The writing was fabulous -- clever, well plotted out, intelligent. The three leads -- John, Ice-T, Costas -- had such superb on-screen chemistry. Despite their obvious physical and personality differences, it wasn't at all hard to believe that these three would have found each other and hooked-up. I especially liked the plotlines which conned the audience as well as the bad guys. There are far too many shows which condescend to the audience instead of drawing it in. Too many shows which assume the audience is either brain-dead or permanently stuck at age thirteen. This show could have been a stupendous hit if the people in charge had not done what they always seem to do -- not advertise, not promote, shift time slots, pre-empt.... Intelligent shows need an audience which can find it week after week. When will the tv execs realize that?