Genre: Cartoon TV series based on "The Jungle Book" film and book about the main animals as children.
My thoughts: This is surprisingly close to the books! In this TV series, the characters mention the Jungle Law quite a lot while not AT ALL in the film, for one thing. I bet Rudyard Kipling would tingle in delight when he'd hear the characters mention the Jungle Law if he were around today! Oh well. The fact that it isn't ALL THAT similar to the book isn't SHOVED IN YER FACE like in the film, save a few points with King Louie, but they are still good!
Shere Khan actually being pretty good with the other characters and hanging out with them might have actually happened before the books (Shere Khan isn't ALL THAT BAD in the books), well, it would not, but it is not impossible! I also like the attitude of the characters, they have more personal attitudes and characteristic backgrounds than in the film. There is also an episode actually BASED on an adventure in the 2nd book!! I like that.
I have only watched three episodes from the second series, but I'm sure series 1 and the rest of series 2 are good too! These are my thoughts.
Who I recommend this to: People who liked the books and who DIDN'T like the film and for people who haven't watched the film OR read the book (those people out there, you HAVE to read the book)! Enjoy!
What happens: In each episode, the animals in the film are kids and have lots of exciting adventures..!