Midnight Blue (1979)
* 1/2 (out of 4)
Yet another Italian rip-off of Wes Craven's THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT. This one here has three girls heading off to a private beach to spend the weekend relaxing. Three men end up showing up so they're added to the weekend party that includes sex and alcohol. Soon the women learn that the men are escaped prisoners and they then turn violent.
You know, if you're going to rip-off a notorious violent movie it might be a good idea not to tame the subject down. MIDNIGHT BLUE is perhaps one of the least known rips and that's probably due to the fact that there's really not too much that happens here. Horror fans love the countless rip-offs that Italy has to offer but I think it speaks volumes that this film isn't known.
The biggest problem is that the first forty minutes or so are nothing more than softcore sex scenes between the girls and the bad guys. They laugh. They talk. They have a good time and this stuff just drags on. Once the secret of who the guys are finally gets out there's still not much that happens. Once the "revenge" aspect starts its rather tame and there's not a single shocking thing that happens. The screenplay really doesn't offer up anything interesting except for the two dumb cops, another thing that was ripped from the Craven movie.