"My Ex-Girlfriend's Wedding Reception" is a very, very funny film with many "laugh out loud" moments. It has a "slice of life" aspect in the way it was shot. Fellini-esque at moments, it follows the love triangle between the Bride, Groom, Maid of Honor and the leader of the band, who is the ex-boyfriend of the bride. The entire picture takes place at one reception and gives you a peak into the lives of the Jewish-Italian families and their guests. You get a feeling you know all these people or have bumped into them before. Great inside humor for musicians and those who ever worked in the "wedding business." I particularly thought the character of "Vic", the single guy at the bar, who tries to pick up every girl he meets was hilarious. Deborah Gibson does a good job and is scarily convincing as a Jewish American Princess in her big screen debut. You'll love the sense of humor in this little film regardless of your heritage. It's too bad it hasn't gotten a wider release, as it certainly deserves it. I'd see it, before you get married.