A delicate film about art and fight. About the price of sacrifice and about the value of truth. About forms of love and signs of passing. It is a beautiful movie but, in same time, a strange pledge for essence of existence in a propaganda's era. Portrait of a great Romanian painter, it is description of a world with Chekhov's favor, with Mihalkov sparkles.
The Caramitru acting is impressive for a ineffable delicacy, for the description of character's nooks, for the poetry of gestures, words and lights, for delicate colors and exploration of a ordinary life. A Luchian as new Crist, the creator like self-master, the world - mediocre scene of illusions and lies. And the moment like golden miniature.
A splendid creation is the construction of George Constantin role. Ironic, cruel, childish, harsh, it is result of a spectacular artist, of a solid talent and sensitive spirit.
The essence of film is the meeting between Luchian and Enescu. Not the mixture of arts or the homage for a genius are purpose but exploration of a soul, beyond definition, arguments or images. Picture of a final trip after the contemplation of bizarre universe. Last testimony about a vision and believe.