Very good human drama of love, insecurity, betrayal, renewal...Claire Forlani and Rob Morrow are respectively, fine actors. The plot, unfortunately, was more common than I wish to admit. Fast, long time friends and the unexplainable chemistry and attraction that can occur without planning, motive or intention. The fact that Adam had lost an eye to his buddy through a sheer accident started an element of insecurity between buddies. Couple that with each finding a love - one more sincere than perhaps the other - and eventual mixed if not undeniable attraction, led to utter pain, betrayal and great heartache. Acting was very good; plot was totally REAL. A little slow; as many of these types of dramas tend to be unnecessarily to my way of thinking. STILL, good movie if not sad - if not truly poignant...Coming "full circle" with one's self and fallibility is a hard, hard "road to hoe" for any of us. Rather familiar I'm afraid but meaningful and a forever life lesson in friendship, love and loyalty.