Countess Ileana De Chablais (Isabelle Marchall) invites her swinging pals to her father's castle to get tipsy on expensive champagne and play sexy charades. When one of the young women, Elsa (Patrizia Gori), turns up stabbed to death and minus her eyeballs, a police inspector (Corrado Gaipa) tries to unravel the mystery and identify the killer, the many suspects including scoundrel Pier-Luigi (in trouble with the local mafia), Ileana's insane secret half-brother Leandro (a dab hand at taxidermy), a creepy uncle, and stern housekeeper Berta (Annie Carol Edel).
Part gothic horror and part giallo, Crazy Desires of a Murderer fails thanks to a muddled, meandering plot and a set of characters that it's difficult to care about. The film also includes subplots about heroin smuggling and the theft of a valuable emerald necklace, but it's all so confusing that trying to keep track of what's going on isn't worth the headache. Director Filippo Walter Ratti tries to compensate with a couple of bloody deaths and a fair amount of nudity from some attractive young women (with Berta actually proving to be quite the hottie), but the whole thing is so slapdash that it is hard to remain invested for the duration. By the time the identity of the killer is revealed, you'll have long given up caring.
N.B. Pier-Luigi moulding a candle into a phallus while gorgeous brunette Gretel (Adler Gray) lies naked on a bed suggests that there might have been a 'sexier' version available at some point.