I just saw an advance version of Ricky 6, and I must say that I am COMPLETELY impressed by what I've seen. This is one of the strongest films about teenage tragedy that's been around since River's Edge, and the performances all around are devastatingly powerful and beautifully crafted. Peter Filardi has done a superlative job with his first feature as writer-director, and the hallucination sequences are some of the most creative and dreamy I've seen in a mainstream movie for some time. The cinematography also captures the essence of small town angst amazingly, with bold colour schemes and creative camera tricks. The New Brunswick locations give a desolate and painful touch to what will undoubtedly be a film that will be tough to ignore. It is based on a true story, but the film takes a more lyrical approach to the hard facts, ending in a shot that had my jaw on the ground. Needless to say, I loved it. Great music from Joe Delia, who did many scores for Abel Ferrara as well. The current popularity of Boys Don't Cry might help people notice this one, which is easily an equal to that film's quality, if not better.