This is the sequel to the Sukeban Deka series that originated with Yuki Saito's version of Saki Asamia (1985). Yoko Minamino plays her first starring role as Saki Asamiya. Although the two characters has the same name, they are different people.
Kurayami Shirei (Hiroyuki Nagato) is looking for a replacement for Saki Asamiya (Yuki Saito) after she retired from her assignment as Sukeban Deka - a high school student detective who works covertly for Naikaku Johoshitsu (inner cabinet intelligence division) to stop crime conducted by high school teenagers working for Seirou-kai. He's recruiting effort is not so successful until he discovers Yoko Godai (Yoko Minamino) a girl in an iron mask. Kurayami Shirei renames Yoko to Saki Asamiya which from that point on becomes the code name for all future Sukeban Deka. Saki transfers to Ryozan high school, and begins to battle the evil that lurks within the high school.
The story is based on a comic by Shinji Wada by the same title. According to Wada, this second series is his favorite version. Yoko Minamino stars in her first TV series in the title role. She is supported by B-dama no Okyo (Haruko Sagara), and Yukino (Akie Yoshizawa). The production looks to be the epitome of low budget TV series. There are almost no props, and most scene takes place outdoors at night times in a park or at an abandoned building requiring no outlay of budget for the set. This was a popular series in the '80s and Toei Television must have made money hand over fist on this one.
Although made on apparent low budget, the story is surprisingly intriguing, and stands up to repeat viewing even today. It's one of the "classics" that will never fade away, and will be viewed by future generations.