A favorite YT series of mine that covers bad movies in fun fashion did a 'Demolition Highway' episode recently, but I didn't see myself giving the full thing a go as it looked to have only one killer moment. Maybe on the "strength" of that bit or my own stupidity I watched it anyhow. An uncensored look confirmed it was indeed a doozy, but the rest wasn't.
Criminal Frank (Danny Fendley) 500k richer ambushed by thugs sees both him and his girlfriend shot (she dies) and the money taken. Frank ends up doing five years in prison, but upon getting out is picked up by old faces who leave no ambiguity boss Xavier Cardone (Joe Estevez) is behind the event years ago. So he seeks a measure of revenge against his old crew while protecting Summer (Lisa Tyre) caught in the middle.
Fendley sounding like a bargain basement Luke Wilson isn't a horrible actor, but he is stuck here. Joe Estevez well versed in cheap b-movies spews his dialog with zest and is a constant visual reminder of Emilio, Martin Sheen. Though it's blonde Tyre who gets the honors of being the biggest burst of joy. Unleashing her big guns and getting naked in the prerequisite sex scene is one of the best I've ever seen in an action pic and that's saying something. Very energetic performance.
Throw Uncle Joe kudos for chewing the scenery. Two big stars for Lisa. Otherwise 'Demolition Highway' is a bad movie for sure, but ain't a lot of fun. Very cheap, often boring and Tyre's only credit. Would have liked to see her again, but that's probably not my big brain talking right now.