AMBUSH IN LEOPARD STREET is an ultra-low budget British crime thriller in which a gang of crooks gather together to plan the perfect robbery. This must be one of the lowest budgeted films ever as almost the whole film takes place in a couple of rooms with the characters jawing away. The robbery, when it finally takes place in the last section, is also entirely lacklustre and lacking in impact.
Of course, a low budget doesn't necessarily mean poor quality, but that is the case here. The problem with AMBUSH IN LEOPARD STREET is that nothing much really happens and there aren't even any of the regular British faces to enjoy in the cast list. The best 'star' the film can muster is Michael Brennan (who played the pub landlord in LUST FOR A VAMPIRE and appeared in a string of bit parts throughout the '60s and '70s) but the rest of the faces were unknown to me and their acting hardly of note.
The only thing the film has going for it is a sudden and unexpected moment of violence towards the climax but even that's brief and not handled as well as you'd expect. Still, for nostalgic fans of mid-century British fare, AMBUSH IN LEOPARD STREET does provide a nice snapshot of the fashions, attitudes and long-forgotten streets of the day.