This was a short-lived, hardly seen cartoon of the late 80s. The original Archies cartoon was a hit back when it began in the late 60s but this version was definitely inferior. Even the theme song left much to be desired ("We're the Archies in a brand new show") It featured the Archies at middle-school age. The cartoon was almost amusing in it's amateurishness. The voice-over artists had very similar sounding voices, making it hard to tell who was speaking at times and most of the lines were delivered in a flat monotone to begin with. The facial expressions of the cartoon characters seldom matched the situation that was going on. Archie and Betty might be seen smiling broadly after just having learned that Reggie and Veronica had played a nasty trick on them. There were often long pauses in between the dialogue and action, giving the impression that the characters needed 30-40 seconds to react to everything. There was no real music on the show and the characters, who had been around in comics since the 1940s, were extremely bland and had no appeal. Stick with the original Archie cartoon ("Everything's Archie, Archie's here!") if you're a fan of the comic.