This is merely one minute long and it's climax is just what it sounds like: two pieces of bloody-as-hell slices of red-meat getting it on and humping with strings attached. It's dirty and lightly crazy, but it all works because you actually forget most of the time Svankmajer is working with the strings. There's even a bit of tragedy at the end; by the time we've spent this, er, one minute with these charming and delectable pieces of part-cow their ultimate demise on the frying pan is kind of sad. What is also great about the film is that one can see it as the prelude to what would be one of the director's crowning achievements- the dancing meat preludes in his film Lunacy. Check it out if you can get the Jan Svankmajer DVD collection of shorts! It's one minute that is so meaty it's, well, juicy, and stringy.