Is it really a spoiler to call this the Shannon Tweed Skinemax version of 'Jagged Edge?' And just like the real 'Jagged Edge' the audience has already figured out whom the real killer is. We're just waiting for the heroine to catch up.
The original title 'Night Moves' was for some reason replaced with the redundant 'Forbidden Sins.' Perhaps 'A Shocking Surprise' or 'Violent Force' or 'Eternity Forever' or 'Criminal Conspiracy' or 'Maximum Extreme' would have been better Skinemax titles? Anyhow... David Mulholland is the wealthy owner of the Californian (Canadian) "Night Moves" (hence the original title) exotic dancer gentlemen's club (strip bar) arrested for killing one of his employees during rough sex.
Mulholland professes his innocence and blames the murder on a serial silicone killer. He hires the lead detective's ex wife as his high profile defense attorney. She's smart, she's sexy, she's sophisticated, she's Shannon Tweed.
Predictably the plot of 'Jagged Edge' ensues with more silicone boobs and sex than the original. And thankfully NO sex scenes between Glenn Close and Jeff Bridges! As far as Shannon Tweed films go this is actually one of the better ones. Only brief nudity by Tweed herself and only sexy courtroom suits, but at least the camera stays in focus and scenes of cheat actors forgetting their lines have been edited out. Two things the 'Night Eyes' series cannot claim.
Shannon Tweed fans should give it a look but don't expect too much.