A funny, moving and unique animated film, based on the graphic novels by Dutch author Marten Toonder. The story takes place in Rommelgem, the homestead of 'Man Of Class' Olivier Bommel. On one of his frequent strolls through the gardens of his castle he finds a mysterious egg. He decides to let it hatch, and out of the egg comes a 'zwelbast', a cute little dragon that instantly steals his heart. He decides to keep it, much against the advice of his friend Tom Poes and his butler Joost, who think there is something fishy about the dragon. Unfortunately, they seem to be right, because the dragon grows at an astonishing pace. They manage to keep him a secret for some time, until Zwelgje (as he is lovingly called by Sir Bommel) causes a major incident at an upper-class garden party. Heer Bommel decides to get rid of him, but then he is kidnapped by Zwelgje who takes him on a wild ride through the Black mountains, his place of origin.
This animated film has everything a film should have. A great story, wonderful animation, subtle humor and great voice-acting by a cast of well-known dutch actors. The film also manages to keep the mood of the much-praised Olivier Bommel graphic novel series, that has a major cult-following in Holland. The novels appeal so much to the people because of the subtle humor, wonderful use of (often outdated) language and great stories. This film is a must for every fan of the novels, and a treat for any other animation fan. The title translates something as "If You Know What I Mean". It is one of the many catch-phrases Sir Bommel uses throughout the film.