Trapped in the world of smuggling young women, our hero, in this 1973 Hong Kong film, is a cop (supposedly) and has fallen for a young maiden. But she is captured by smugglers - who also want to rape the young woman. She also happens to be related to somebody at a kung fu school.
The acting is rather bad. Cheesy lines, bad plot, and little backdrop. There is one car in the picture and it places the film at least in 1940s China. However, there are no guns and no real civilians. All seems like a small piece of fantastical "China". After all, cops in China 60 years ago didn't need batons, clubs, guns, or anything else. They just needed kung fu! The fight scenes are well overdrawn. They could have been done shorter and made more sense. I have seen long fights in films like "Any Which Way You Can" and "They Live", but this was ridiculous. And what about all the fake 'hits'? I haven't seen that many missed punches and kicks since the last Seagal film.
Overall, its not that great. The stupidity keeps me entertained and laughing. But it wasn't entertaining in the way it wanted me to. "D+"