"Sloth," the fourth episode of the McClure "Seven Deadly Sins" series, was originally intended for sixth place, but was moved forward on account of the timeliness of the subject. Patriotism is the theme of the five-reel picture, the author inculcating his lesson by taking three incidents in American history and linking them together by means of a story of to-day. Two of the periods chosen are prior to 1776, the immortal Molly Pitcher being the heroine of this date. Margaret Brent and Sally Wells, the other heroines, although not so well known, are stirring examples of the courage and devotion of the early settlers of this nation, both men and women. The heroic two are brought into the modern story by having a young girl, a product of the wonderful prosperity now enjoyed by this country, read the history of their lives, and awaken to her duty when war starts against the United States. Her lover, a member of the National Guard, enlists, and is wounded on the field of battle. Eva, the girl, becomes a Red Cross nurse and helps to save his life. Such a handling of material in a photoplay does not make for symmetric development of plot; but, at the present time, this may be overlooked on account of the inspiration to be derived from the picture. The modern portions of the drama are produced with better effect than are the three episodes of our early history. A conscientious effort has been made to represent correctly the events as set down in the chronicles of our land, but the desired effect has not always been achieved. However, enough of the spirit that animated the souls of the three heroines has been suggested to drive their message home. Charlotte Walker represented the three heroines of Colonial Days. No attempt was made to individualize them. The actress merely lent her own personality to the characters. This was a physical aid of no mean worth. She also acted the parts with animation, if not with the best artistic results. Miss Walker is a new comer to the moving picture studio, and, as is always the case, has much to learn, especially in the use of her hands. Shirley Mason carried off the honors of the cast. As Eve Leslie, the modern young woman who is aroused from her slothful habits by the voice of Patriotism, she was a convincing and well graced figure. George Le Guere, Jack Meredith, Curtis Cooksey, Hattie Delaro and Helen Strickland were the leading members of the supporting company. Theodore Marston directed the production. – The Moving Picture World, February 24, 1917