As I type this, some guy is selling a copy of "Feelin' Up" on eBay for $30 with four watchers. If you happen to be one of the suckers who are actually thinking of wasting their money on this piece of garbage, I can only suggest you watch it first and, if you have seen it and still want it, I would suggest you get your head examined, as this movie is simply awful in every regard. Don't get me wrong--I love bad movies, but this flick is such a pretentious piece of crap it easily makes its way onto my short list of worst movies I have ever seen.
I was just a kid when this came out, so it might be possible that there was some demographic at the time that this may have been geared to that I'm not aware of but, if that is the case, I can only award it some sort of justification for existence by having a target audience. Aside from that, what we have here is some of the must putrid, post-hippy, communal living, fake, goody-goody BS ever committed to film, with a hefty, kissy-poo NYC art school stink wafting through it, despite the Canadian director. I know back in the 70's there was a lot of experimentation with group marriage and communal living, almost all of which proved to be a massive failure, so I guess it's appropriate that this flick is a massive failure, as well. I first saw it about twelve years ago and was simply in awe of how bad it was and, after the initial viewing, spent about 45 minutes skipping through it again, like I needed some sort of affirmation that a stink-fest as bad as this movie does, in fact, exist. It took me twelve years to get up the nerve to watch it again and nothing has changed. I'm not going to get into it any more than I have here but, for the sake of comparison let me say that, if you liked "Deadly Drifter", you'll like this piece of crap--it's the only movie I can think of that comes close to being as bad, but "Feelin' Up" is much worse.
I admit the marketing for the video cracks me up, though. These guys knew the thing was garbage so they made it look like a teen sex comedy with two kids who aren't even in the movie on the cover. It's so cynical and lame, it makes me laugh and, yeah, it's the only thing funny about this garbage movie. Watch it for free if you are into self-abuse but keep your money in your pocket.