Synopsis: Two sexy French twentysomethings, Françoise (Mireille Saunin) and Anna (Michéle Perello), come across a dilapidated castle which houses an evil (I guess) witch, Morgane Le Fey (Dominique Delpierre); her team of hot Girl Slaves; and her random huchbacked dwarf minion, Gurth (Alfred Baillou). The witch captures Françoise and Anna and forces them to decide: become Morgane's immortal sex slaves. . . or rot (as ugly old women) in the witch's dungeon for eternity.
Review: 'Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay' is probably one of THE most frustrating erotic horrors I've ever seen in my life. Much of the 'erotic' part of the film is gorgeous French girls (mostly redheads) making out, touching, etc., but most of those scenes only last for a minute or two, or they're intercut with random shots of creepy Gurth's face. And, let me tell you, when you're in the mood for an erotic horror film about hot French witch slaves, you do not want to be seeing Gurth, who looks like Zelda from Pet Sematary. The film is very aptly done. The direction and writing are surprisingly good in comparison to some of the other 70s erotic horrors. The acting isn't too shabby, either. It does get boring at times, especially during the random interpretive dance scenes (?). It's mostly, however, a classically done erotic fantasy-horror. Unlike many films like this, it actually works well as a real story & film. . . even if you removed all of the eroticism.
Final Verdict: 6/10.