Hollywood loves to distort African history! This mess is not the true story of Shaka Zulu and to say it's based off a true story is absolutely outrageous! It's a slap in the face to Zulu people and Zulu culture! If you want to see a good movie about Shaka, then please get the blockbuster 1986 movie instead!!! The whole slavery, North African conquest, Shaka having a wife, a grown daughter and being on as slave ship is hogwash! This should be put in the racist Hollywood fictional file! Along with that racist Exodus movie having whites cast as Egyptain royalty, even though white invaders weren't there during this period and (Mrs. Weaver, a white woman playing a Ethiopian/Nubian Queen and a white man playing a Berber Pharaoh), a disrespectful whitewashing of African history! Hollywood needs to stop making movies of African history to please whites/making African rulers in the image of whites!! Don't watch this racist marginalization/rewriting of history! It only adds to the erasing of true African history and the people's of African! They would never do this when making a movie about European history!!