This sequel to "Ironfinger" begins with a man running for his life in the middle of a desert with gunmen in a helicopter chasing after him. Unable to escape the man is quickly killed. The next scene features an assassin by the name of "Andrew Hoshino" (Akira Takarada) being begged by a young girl to find and kill the men responsible. After offering the only money she has in the form of a silver dollar, he accepts the assignment out of the kindness of his heart. What he doesn't know is that the person responsible for this is the head of a gold-smuggling operation and because of that this assignment will be much more difficult than he initially thought. On his side, however, is his old friend "Detective Tezuka" (Makoto Sato) and two rather attractive women-another assassin by the name of "Ruby" (Beverly Maeda) and a singer named "Mitsuko Saito" (Tomomi Sawa). Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, although this James Bond clone featured a good cast of characters, the numerous subplots tended to detract from the film and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.