Going to horror conventions sometimes you ran into shops with obscure Japanese flicks. Let this be one of them. It do has everything that you want from the old school Japanese horrors. Nowadays it's full of stupid CGI effects or has in fact nothing to offer.
This do offer quit a lot, but you will have to wait until the final part to see the gore. It's all about a Yakuza gang dealing in a special drug. Once the drug is injected in girls they become horny as hell. So on that part it delivers a lot of nudity. But naturally things go wrong when one of the victims escapes and get help by a nurse who is out for revenge.
As I said it has a lot of nudity and that's what the first part is all about but once the nurse is being captured the movie switches into a nasty flick with entrails being cut out and a cursed one with a giant penis with a mouth full of teeth. Heads are being smashed an even that giant cock does it's work.
It's a strange flick full with editing faults and continuity faults but still one to watch due the strange story. The bladder effects used once the drug is injected is also an effects to see. Not an extremely gory flick but still one to add into the old school category.
Gore 2,5/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5