This takes place during World War 2 in Japan. A Judge along with his eager female assistant enjoys using sadomasochism games to interrogate possible criminals. An army officer along with his subordinate assists the judge in the games as well as procuring the victims which in this case is the affluent wife of a businessman and a Kabuki actor. The wife and actor are subjected to bondage including yes in a cage as well as other S&M games. Of course the two caged victims want to escape.
This is not a complicated story. That both works for and against the movie as a whole. Much of the film is focused on the interrogation and sadomasochism games. If that doesn't interest you then this film is not for you. I found it interesting myself.
The acting by the entire cast is very good. Naomi Tani is as usual excellent. It should be said that Rei Okamoto who plays Kayo the Judge's assistant is fantastic. She shows realistic enthusiasm especially when she is administering her own sadomasochism games.
This is a Roman Porno/Pink Eiga which means nudity (Naomi Tani is naked thru 75% of the film) and sex scenes. Nothing very explicit as this is 1970's Japanese cinema.
Yes I thought it was a good movie but not great. One extended scene was boring but other than that it kept moving forward. For fans of the Roman Porno genre you will enjoy it. If not a fan you should skip this one.