Last week I watched the movie Future War (1997) and, while that movie is laughably bad and considered one of the worst movies on IMDB, it has a lower rating than this film, which by just about every measure is easily ten times worse than Future War in every regard. This flick is the lowest form of low budget SOV garbage and, while I tend to grade on a curve for these sorts of film, there is no curve steep enough to where I can say anything positive about Demon Cop.
The editing alone is such that it would embarrass Godfrey Ho, seemingly pasted together by someone half-asleep with a half-dozen or so scotch and sodas under their belt at 4:00 AM, without any regard to what someone actually trying to watch the movie and understand what the hell is going on might think. The film also relies heavily on narration to explain what is going on, which is rarely a good thing, inflicting the viewer with scenes where you hear dialogue explaining background information but you see no one talking and, instead, see a hand writing in a diary or a car driving down the road, which puts this mess where? A fusion of filming styles that merges a Godfrey Ho ninja flick with The Beast of Yucca Flats? With the exception of Cameron Mitchell, no one in this movie can act worth a damn and the sound and special effects are the bottom of the barrel, pretty much on the level of a student film, but I've seen student films better than this. The plot is nonsense and hard to follow for the reasons stated above, coupled with the addition of characters and scenes that seem to lend nothing to the film, leaving you that more confused (it took me three attempts just to sit through this thing). The film attempts to be a horror/ action flick, but the action is laughable, and the only scary thing is that Cameron Mitchell was hard up for cash to the point that he was willing to show his face in this piece of trash.
If you are a fan of grade Z-Minus cinema, then by all means you need to see this movie. It is truly epic awful, but this one qualifies as on of those flicks that never should have seen the light of day and it is almost insulting that something this lame was inflicted on the public. Demon Cop is a tough watch for even a veteran bad movie fan--you've been warned!