This is another cheapo by Andy Milligan, but it is actually a fair story about a highly dysfunctional family.
It was certainly made for the Grindhouse circuit, as the actual story has sex scenes inserted instead of commercials.
Don't get me wrong, this is high class acting, but it certainly was better than The Ghastly Ones in that regard. The stay-with-mom daughter invites all of her siblings home for the holidays. This causes mom to go ballistic, as she hates all of them. It's not enough to cause the old biddy to have a heart attack, so she is there throughout the film yelling and screaming at her children.
They certainly are the weirdest bunch I have ever scene - one is 17 and gets kicked out of every school mom sends him two; one married a woman who lied about a pregnancy to get out of the house, and away from his sister, who was having regular sex with him; one just wanted love and married the first man who would have rough sex with her - a real happy family.
But someone is killing them off, one by one, in between the almost hard core sex scenes.
Yes, I actually fast forwarded through the sex to get the story. It wasn't bad if you can stand the 16mm camera-work and the horrid music played during the sex. I fast forwarded just so I would have to listen to it.